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A watermark consists of a text placed in the background, with the intention of labeling an electronic file with information about its origin and characteristics, aiding in the protection of its intellectual property.


This topic will cover how to create and configure watermarks that will be associated with the categories to be applied in specific situations, to the electronic files of their documents.


The watermark configuration is usually performed in the SE Document component, accessing the Configuration Watermark (DC045) menu. The list of records displays the "Default metadata" metadata export configuration (previously configured by the system), as well as the other existing metadata configurations.


Main operations:

Adding a text item to the watermark

Adding a watermark configuration

Configuring a barcode as a watermark

Configuring a QRCode as a watermark

Configuring an image as a watermark

Defining the information type that will be displayed through the watermark

Editing a watermark configuration

Importing watermark items from other statuses

Problem solving - Watermark

Watermarks in electronic files

Watermarks in electronic files under revision via Workflow