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Importing variables from an Excel spreadsheet

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When evaluating the feasibility of an initiative, the SE Portfolio enables the value of a variable in the financial table to be imported from a cell of an Excel spreadsheet. See how to use this resource:



First, add a form and associate the Excel spreadsheet from which the value of the variable is imported as its electronic file. Refer to the Creating forms section for further details about this operation.


Remember that all the spreadsheets that will be used to import the variable values must be in the same Excel file that will be associated with the form.


Access the initiative type data screen and, on the Scenario tab, when selecting the scenarios, associate the form with the scenarios that will be used in the initiative evaluations of the type.


To perform this step, it is necessary to have previously added the Scenario and the Initiative type.



After that, access the financial table tab and on the Financial data tab, add/edit an event. In the Add data field on the event data screen, select the Spreadsheet option and, in the Cell field, perform the configuration of the cell from which the variable value will be imported:




This configuration may be performed in the following ways:


Case 01:

If the value to be imported is in the first spreadsheet, just enter the cell name. For example: A1.


Case 02:

If the value to be imported is not in the first spreadsheet, the spreadsheet name and cell name must be entered where the value is found. For example: Spreadsheet2!B2.


Case 03:

If the value to be imported is in a customized cell, just enter the customized cell name where the value is found. Remember that, in this case, it is not necessary to enter the spreadsheet name. For example: Federal EIN #.


When importing the values of a variable to more than one analysis period (financial table column), for each one of them it is necessary to use the ";" separator (semicolon). For example: Spreadsheet2!B2;Federal EIN #;A1 (Spreadsheet name + ! + Cell name ";" Customized cell name ";" Cell name).



Make sure to perform the previous steps correctly so that the import works properly; when evaluating the initiative, the value of the variable will be filled in by the system. See further details about this operation in the Evaluating initiatives section.