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Maximum capacity exceeded

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Maximum capacity exceeded

Who receives it:

User members of the responsible team for a storeroom whose stored wastes have the Control maximum capacity option checked.


The in-stock quantity of a waste exceeds the maximum capacity set for this waste in the storeroom.


To determine a destination for exceeding waste.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the storeroom whose storage capacity was exceeded.



On the toolbar, click on the arrow next to the new_transfer button and select the operation that you wish to perform:

Transfer: The system will display a data screen to transfer the exceeding waste to another storeroom saved in the system. See the Executing a transfer section for a detailed description on how to fill in the fields on this screen.

Transport: The system will display a data screen to plan the transport of the exceeding waste to another location. See the Planning a transport section for a detailed description on how to fill in the fields on this screen.

Repository event: The system will display a data screen to move the repository that contains the exceeding wastes to another saved storeroom in the system. See the Executing a repository event section for a detailed description on how to fill in the fields on this screen.

Processing: The system will display a data screen to send the exceeding wastes for processing. See the Executing the processing section for a detailed description on how to fill in the fields on this screen.



After filling in all the required fields, save the record and send it to the next step. The storeroom the exceeding waste belonged to will no longer be displayed in the list of pending records.