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Electronic file

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In this section, it is possible to perform the configurations regarding the electronic files that will compose the documents of the category in question. To do this, select, in the left part of the screen, the subsection you wish to configure and fill in the fields that will appear in the right part of the screen. See below, how to configure each subsection:






Metadata export

When viewing the electronic files, it will be possible to export the document data to be used as docvariables.

To do that, in the Configuration field, select the configuration of the desired metadata export. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new metadata export configuration and associate it with the document, edit the selected configuration and clear the field.

The metadata will not be correctly applied to the docvariables of the electronic files of the documents in this category.


The electronic files of the documents in this category will display watermarks.

In the Configuration field, select the configuration of the watermark that will be applied to the electronic files. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new watermark configuration and associate it with the category, edit the selected configuration and clear the field.

The electronic files of the documents in this category will not display any watermarks.


File type

Define the type of electronic file that can be associated with the documents of the category:

Single: It will be possible to associate only one electronic file per document.

Multiple: It will be possible to associate several electronic files to the same document.

Complex: It will be possible to associate complex files to the document. In the Complex file container field, select the container in which will be stored the files that will be associated to the documents. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new complex file container and associate it with the category and clear the field.




Allow editing the container structure1

In the "Electronic file" section of the document, the options to add, delete and edit items in the complex file container structure will be enabled.

It will not be possible to add, edit and delete items from the complex file container structure through the document data screen.

Require electronic file

It will not be possible to successfully release the document if it does not have at least one electronic file associated.

It will be possible to release the document even if it does not have an electronic file associated.

1 - Valid only if the previously selected file type is "Complex".




Publish PDF files

The electronic files of documents of the category will be converted to PDF once they are associated or released. If the category already has recorded documents (that have not been converted to PDF), they will be added to the conversion queue.

Check one of the following options as well, to define the configuration of the extensions to be converted:

Use default configuration: The electronic files with the extensions specified in the general parameters will be converted to PDF. Hover the mouse over the icon placed next to this option to view the supported extensions.

Convert the following formats: Perform a specific configuration of file extensions that should be converted to PDF. In this case, in the field next to it, check the corresponding options for the desired extensions. If the document has an electronic file with an extension that is not set up in this field, even if its extension is compatible with the PDF conversion resource, it will not be converted. The configuration performed in this field, will overwrite the default configuration.

The electronic files of the documents in this category will not be converted to PDF by the system.

If this option is not checked at the time of registration of the category, but the user chooses to convert the electronic files of the documents belonging to it through the Maintenance Service tracking menu, when the category is selected, the "Publish PDF files" option will be checked by the system.


Digital signature configuration

Select a digital signature configuration covered in the Configuring a digital signature section. Use the buttons located next to the field to select another digital signature configuration or clear the field.


Archiving (category with revision control)

In this section, it is possible to establish how the electronic files of the documents will be archived. If the category has the Revision control enabled, for each of the statuses of the electronic files (current, under revision and obsolete) of the documents that go through revisions, configure the following options:



Select this option so that the electronic files of the documents of this category are stored in a database during this step. In this case, the files will always be saved in a compressed mode.

In PostgreSQL environments, it will not be possible to store files with 30 MB or more. In this case, we recommend selecting the controlled directory option and configuring the system accordingly.

Controlled directory

Select this option so that the electronic files of the documents of this category are stored in controlled directories during this step. At this point, the following fields will be enabled:

Writing mode: Define whether the electronic files will be stored regularly or in a compressed form.

Path: Select the controlled directory where the electronic files will be stored. For each status a different folder can be created, in which case, as the document status is edited (for example, a new revision is created and the revision is no longer current), the electronic files will be copied to the folder that corresponds to the status in which the document is found. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new controlled directory and use it to store the files in the current step and clear the field.




Delete electronic file

The options to delete the electronic files of the documents of this category will not be available for use during this step.

It will be possible to delete the electronic files of the documents of this category during this step.

Add electronic file

The options to add the electronic files to the documents of this category will not be available for use during this step.

It will be possible to add the electronic files to the documents of this category during this step.


Archiving (category without revision control)

In this section, it is possible to establish how the electronic files of the documents that are in the Current step, that is, that are being created, will be archived. If the category does not have the "Revision" control, configure the following fields:

Record schedule: Select the record schedule table that will control the storage of the document electronic files. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new record schedule table and associate it with the category and clear the field.




Delete electronic file

The options to delete the electronic files of the documents of this category will not be available for use.

It will be possible to delete the electronic files of the documents of this category.

Add electronic file

The options to add the electronic files to the documents of this category will not be available for use.

It will be possible to add electronic files to the documents of this category.



This section will only be available if the configured file type is not "Complex". It will display the templates that may be used in the drafting of revisions of the documents in this category. Use the Default column of the list of records to check the desired template file as default.


On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate a template with the category. On the screen that opens, locate and select the desired template and save the selection. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys down or check next to each record, to select more than a template file at a time.

Click on this button to delete a template file from the list of records.

Click on this button to view the data screen of the document used as template file selected in the list of records. This button will be enabled if the template file is a Controlled document.

Click on this button to view the electronic file of the template selected in the list of records.


It is important to point out that the user should NOT associate a template file composed of a "Controlled document', with "Multiple" electronic file type in a document category with "Single" electronic file type.



In this section, it is possible to define a form to use it in the documents of this category. In order for this feature to function properly, it is necessary for the SE Form component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organizations.

In the respective field, select the desired form. Only those forms whose entity is released and which the logged user has the permission "List" enabled, will be available for selection.