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Executing an input event1_auxnmb

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See how to create an input event in the storeroom:


See how to execute an input event quickly and easily in the "Create an input event" topic of the SE Storeroom Quick guide"!


1.1_auxnmbOn the main screen toolbar, click on the new button.


2.On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the storeroom where the objects will be joined and save your selection.


It is important to point out that, to perform this event successfully, the logged user must be a member of the responsible team or have the Input event control allowed in the storeroom security list.


3.At this point, the input event data screen will be displayed:




4.In the Record data arrowrgray General data section, fill in the following fields:



ID #

Enter a number or code to identify the input event. If you prefer, use the arrow next to this field to generate an automatic identifier. Remember that, if an event configuration was associated with the storeroom and, in it, the use of an identification mask was configured, when generating the identifier, the respective mask will be displayed. Remember that the ID # generated through the mask may only be edited if the Enable ID # change option is checked on the data screen of the configuration.

Event configuration

This field will be filled out with the event configuration associated with the storeroom. If there is no configuration associated with the storeroom, this field will be displayed blank. Use the view_small button located next to the field to view the event configuration data displayed.


This field is filled out by the system with the date the input event is being performed on.


This field is filled out by the system with the time this operation was performed at when saving the record for the first time.


Fill out the following fields to inform where the added objects come from:

Sender: Select the option that corresponds to who is sending the object:

oDepartment: In the field that will be displayed, select the department in the organization that is sending the object to the storeroom. Use the other buttons placed next to the field to: add a new department, fill the field with the logged user department, or clear the filled in value.

oUser: In the field that will be displayed, select the system user who is sending the object to the storeroom. Use the other buttons located next to this field to: add a new user, edit the data of the selected user, fill the field in with the logged user data, or clear the filled in value.

oSupplier: In the field that will be displayed, select the supplier that is sending the object to the storeroom. Use the other buttons located next to the field to: create a new supplier, edit the data of the selected supplier, and clear the filled in value.

oProcess activity: In the fields that will be displayed, select the process (SE Process) and then, the activity of the process that generated the sending of the object. It is important to point out that the filling in of the Process and Activity fields will be mandatory if performing a waste input event in the storeroom and if the proper configuration was set in the general parameters of the SE Waste component.

oGenerator: This option will only be displayed if the object being joined into the storeroom is a waste. In the field that will be displayed, select the waste generator. Then, select in the respective fields, the process and the activity of the process that led to the shipment of the waste. It is important to point out that the filling in of the Process and Activity fields will be mandatory if the proper configuration is set in the general parameters of the SE Waste component.

Responsible: Select the user who will be responsible for sending/delivering the object to the storeroom. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it in with the logged user data and clear the value in the field.

Date: Select the estimated date for the object delivery in the storeroom.


Fill out the following fields to enter the storeroom (addressee) where the objects will be joined:

Storeroom: This field is filled by the system with the storeroom selected before (step 02); however, it is possible to edit it.

Responsible: Select the user who will be responsible for the object receiving in the storeroom. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it in with the logged user data and clear the value in the field.

Date: Select the date the object was received in the storeroom.


5.Save the record, but do not close data screen. At this point, the other sections and fields will become enabled.


6.1_auxnmbIn the list of records at the bottom of the Record data arrowrgray General data section, it is possible to add the objects that will be joined in the storeroom stock. To do this, click on the new button and on the row that is displayed, fill in the following fields:







Note that the name of the field will vary according to the type of object being joined into the storeroom. Select the item/waste/supply you wish to store in the storeroom in question.


Select the location/repository in which the object should be stored. Use the other buttons located next to the field, to create a new storage place or clear the filled out value. Remember that, according to the configurations set in the storeroom, the object storage may be restricted to determined locations/repositories.


Enter the quantity of the object that will be stored in the storeroom. Remember that, if the storeroom in question has a delimited maximum capacity, the entered quantity may not be greater than the maximum configured capacity.


This field will only be enabled if, on the item, supply, or waste data screen (in the respective components), the "Control lot #" option is checked. Enter the batch number of the object that is being joined.

Serial #

This field will only be enabled if, on the item, supply, or waste data screen (in the respective components), the "Control serial #" option is checked. Enter the serial number of the object that is being joined.


This field will only be enabled if, on the item, supply, or waste data screen (in the respective components), the "Control lot #" or "Control serial #" option is checked. Select the date until the lot or series of the object being joined is valid.

Unit cost ($)

Enter the unit cost of the object that will be stored in the storeroom.


Include the number of lines that corresponds to the number of objects that will be moved into the storeroom.

After filling out all necessary fields, click on the save button on the side toolbar.

To delete a line, check the checkbox next to the object you no longer wish to move into the storeroom and click on the delete button of the side toolbar.


7.In the Description section, enter relevant information about the input event being performed.


8.The Attribute section will only be displayed if an attribute is associated in the Attribute tab of the event configuration data screen. In this case, enter the value of the attributes that complement the input event. Those attributes that are required must, necessarily, have their values filled in. The blocked attributes will be filled in by the system with the default value set when it is associated with the event configuration. Remember that the procedure to fill out an attribute, varies according to the configurations established when the attribute was registered.


9.The Record data arrowrgray Approval section will only be displayed if it has been set in the Event configuration, associated with the storeroom, that the object inputs have to go through the approval step. In that case, it is possible to view and define the parties responsible for the input event approval being performed. Completing the information in this section depends on the route type selected in the event configuration. If it is a "Fixed & unique" route, this section may not be edited. The following fields are available:



Responsibility route

Select the responsibility route through the input event approval. If the approval route set in the configuration is "Fixed", it will only be possible to define another route through this field, however, it will not be possible to edit its members. Note that only the approval responsibility routes will be available for selection.


Approval type

This field is filled out by the system with the approval type (Incremental or Circular) defined at the time of the creation of the previously selected responsibility route, however, it is possible to edit it.


This field is filled out by the system with a sequential number, indicating the approval cycle that the input event is going through. Each time that the event is rejected and goes through approval again, the system assigns a number to it. Select the previous cycles to view the members of the responsibility route that performed the approval.

Wait for all members approval

This option will be checked/cleared by the system, according to the configurations made at the time of the creation of the responsibility route selected previously. If this option is checked, the approval will only be released after all route members execute their tasks.


10. If, in the event configuration, the Variable approval route type is parameterized, the following buttons will be enabled on the toolbar located next to the list of records:


Click on this button to add a new member to the responsibility route. View the Configuring a new responsibility route section to obtain a detailed description of how to add a new member. It is important to point out that, if the member is being added to a route associated with the input event, this addition will only be valid for the event, not being replicated to the route record created through the Configuration arrowrgray Responsibility route menu.


Click on this button to edit the data of a member. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.


Click on this button to delete a member from the responsibility route. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.


11. In the Record data arrowrgray Documentation section, it will be possible to associate attachments and documents related to the input event.

Attachment: Use this section to associate the attachments related to the event. Refer to the Add attachments section for further details on how to add and/or associate attachments.

Document: Use this section to add or associate the documents related to the event. Refer to the Add documents section for further details on how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.


12. After filling in all the necessary fields, click on the save_exit button.


13. At this point, the system will ask whether you wish to send the event to the next step. Choose the desired option:

OK: If in the configuration is set that the input event will have approval, the system will generate the Input event approval task to the appropriate responsible. If in the approval step is not configured or the storeroom does not have a configuration associated with it, the event will be Closed and the objects will be added to the storeroom stock.

Cancel: The input event will continue pending with the Issue status.