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Release notes 2.1.2

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From this version onwards, it will not be possible to create generic users, that is, users with "sesuite" or "softexpert" logins, for example. If you already have one of those users, they will remain active in the system until the next version (2.1.3), in which they will be disabled during the update process. Thus, revise the integrations that use these users to avoid negative impacts in the organization routines when they are disabled. Refer to the Configuration section for more details.

From this version onwards, a minimum password strength configuration will be required, which must have at least 6 characters and be composed of letters and numbers. If the system does not have at least this password strength configuration, it will be automatically updated to respect this new minimum configuration, and it will require all users to update their passwords. Refer to the Configuration section for more details.

From this version onwards, the installation tool (TOOL) and the installation package (INSTALL/UPDATE/PATCH) have been joined in a single file. The installation and update process has not changed, but it will be necessary to extract the TOOL and the package (INSTALL/UPDATE/PATCH) from the zip file after the download. Refer to the Installation/Update guide to perform any procedure.


What is new in the components?

The following sections have the new features of version 2.1.2 of SE Suite in each of the following components:


To see the list of corrections made to this version, refer to the Patch bulletin page. The corrections contained in version 2.1.2 are the corrections released in 4th digit packages of version 2.1.1.x.